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Privacy policy

GTT’s Privacy Policy applies to website visitors and to customers who utilize any services provided by GTT Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. The Privacy Policy explains how GTT uses and protects your personal information. Please note that this Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions of any particular service(s) you are using.

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to any third-party websites you may have access to or use through our services. These third-party websites may collect and use information in ways that differ from those set out in this Policy and therefore, GTT Inc. assumes no responsibility for their use of your information.

Our Privacy Policy will notify you of the following information:

i.                     The personally identifiable information that is collect by GTT;

ii.                   How GTT uses the information collected;

iii.                 Sharing and disclosing your personal information;

iv.                 Data retention Period;

v.                   Security and Protection of your personal information;

vi.                 Location Services; and

vii.                Changes to our Privacy Policy.

1.       What Personally identifiable information is collected by GTT?

Personal information is any information that identifies you as an individual or is capable of identifying you. GTT may collect personal information such as:

i.         your name and demographic data;

ii.        your contact information including your billing address, telephone number and email address;

iii.      Payment information, such as your banking information and/or card details;

iv.      information relating to any add-on products and services purchased by you;

v.        your preferences and interests, based on your correspondence with us and/or what we deduce from your personal information;

vi.      the channel you use to sign up for and/or purchase our services;

vii.     how you use our products and service, which may include your:

a.       traffic data, such as your, incoming and outgoing call and messages (along with the date, time, duration and cost and phone location at the time of those incoming and outgoing calls and messages)

b.       the types of websites that you visit

c.       device details

d.       phone usage (including voice, messaging, web/ WAP use, application use),

e.       purchasing habits

f.          location

g.       searching and browsing history on our websites (including the date, time and duration of your internet session)

h.       roaming information (the country you are in and the network used when making communications);

viii.   your internet protocol (IP) address, which we collect when you visit our website; we will allocate an IP address to your device when you connect to the internet using our phone network and/or broadband services;

ix.      a history of your correspondence with us;

x.        your account information such as your billing history; and

xi.      any other information which helps us to decide which of our products and services would best suits your needs.

xii.     your internet protocol (IP) address which we collect when you visit our website;

xiii.   your device details;

xiv.   our communications with us;

xv.     your account information such as your billing history, the services you use and anything else relating to your account; and

xvi.   any information to help you decide which of our products and services would suit you best.

If you give us information about another person, perhaps when they receive a service you are paying for, you are responsible for ensuring that they are aware that we will retain and process their personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If you or your business applies for our services, we may register and check your details and the details of persons with whom you have a financial link (and if you are a business that trades as a partnership those of your business partners) with credit reference agencies to help us make credit decisions about you.

You must also be able to disclose information about anyone else with whom you have a financial link. Your details may be linked to records relating to one or more of those people. We may also check your details with fraud prevention agencies. If you give us false or inaccurate information which leads us to suspect fraud, we will record this and details will be passed to fraud prevention agencies. Law enforcement agencies may access and use this information. We and other organizations may also access and use this information to prevent fraud and money laundering, for example, when:


o    checking details on application for credit and credit related or other facilities;

o    managing credit and credit-related accounts or facilities;

o    recovering debt;

o    checking details on proposals and claims for all types of insurance; and/or

o    checking details of job applications and employees.

These agencies will also use the records for statistical analysis about credit, insurance and fraud. We and other organizations may access and use the information recorded by fraud prevention agencies from other countries.

GTT may collect information:

i.         Directly from you:

a.       when you purchase and/or use any of our products and/or services;

b.       when you communicate with us (e.g., when you submit an application form to become our customer or if you contact us for any enquiries, including calling our customer service representative);

c.       if you subscribe to our newsletters or other alerts; and

d.       if you take part in one of our researches, surveys or consumer panels, competitions or prize draws;

ii.       Indirectly from you when you:

i.         visit and use our website, including by using cookies;

ii.       use our network, services and related products;

iii.     access the internet; and/or

iv.     download any of our software and/or mobile applications.

iii.     From organizations, such as:

a.       credit reference and fraud agencies;

b.       data marketing agencies; and/or

c.        business directories.


2.       How does GTT use the information collected?

GTT may utilized your personal information for the following purposes:

i.         to provide and improve our services, communication and customer experience to you;

ii.       to make credit decisions about you;

iii.      to validate, confirm and/or process of any order(s) placed by you;

iv.      for the administration of your account with us, including validating you as a registered customer and for billing purposes;

v.       to inform you of any changes to our website, our services and/ or our Terms and Conditions;

vi.      to contact you to invite you to form part of our consumer panel or research groups about our products and services or third-party products and services;

vii.    for segmentation of our customer base, marketing of our products and services and to understand and keep you informed about what is the best package for you according to your use of our services;

viii.  to ensure security for you and our staff, and help maintain service quality (calls to our customer services may be monitored and/or recorded for quality and training purposes);

ix.      to comply with applicable laws, regulations, court orders, government and law enforcement agencies’ requests, to operate our systems properly or to protect ourselves or our users and customers or to solve any customer disputes;

x.       to send you newsletters. You can opt out of receiving our newsletters (below you will find more information on opting out);

xi.      to provide aggregated statistics about our sales, customers, traffic patterns to third parties, but these statistics will not include any information that is likely to identify you;

xii.    to carry out research and analysis and monitor customer use of our products and services on an anonymous or personalized basis to identify general consumer trends and to understand better our customers’ behaviors and partner with other businesses to create new services and to develop interesting and relevant products and services for our customers, as well as personalize the products and services we offer you.

xiii.  to market and advertise our branded products and/or third-party products and services that may be of interest to you including third party offers, promotions, advertisements, competitions or commercial communications by telephone (mobile and landline when available), post, fax, electronic messaging (including SMS and MMS), email or online or via any other interactive media. We may also use information about your location as a factor in deciding which mobile ads to serve to you. You can opt out for third party products and offers (below you will find more information on opting out).

xiv.   to check that your home or office or other location is covered by our network and to optimize your network coverage and our network;

xv.    For the prevention and detection of criminal activity, fraud and misuse of or damage to our services or networks and to prosecute those responsible, to defend our rights or property or to protect the rights and interests of our customers and users;

xvi.   for the management of traffic, your personal information may also be used for tracing nuisance or malicious calls and for emergency services;

xvii.  to provide you with online personalized services and targeted advertising including through the use of cookies when you visit our websites.

If you wish to opt out of receiving any newsletters and/or direct marketing communications, you can do so at any time by following the instructions contained in the e-mails sent to you or by following the directions on our website. Please note that it may take up to five (5) working days to process your optout request.


3.       Sharing and disclosing your personal information: GTT may share your personal information with:

i.         our Group Companies, their agents and/or sub-contractors;

ii.        our vendors involved in the provision, distribution, delivery and marketing of our products and services. These vendors have to follow our express instructions in respect of the use of your personal information and must comply with appropriate security measures to protect your personal information. We may transfer your personal information to countries outside of Guyana, which do not always provide the same level of protection as Guyana, for the purposes of providing you with our services. If we do make such a transfer, we will ensure appropriate technical and administrative organizational measures are in placed to secure your personal information are in place to ensure that your personal information is protected against loss and/or any form of unlawful processing;

iii.      credit reference agencies;

iv.      fraud prevention agencies;

v.        debt collection agencies;

vi.      insurance providers if you have purchased an insurance policy through us;

vii.     law enforcement agencies, regulators, courts and public authorities;

viii.   emergency services;

ix.      our trusted business partners for research purposes, to identify and understand general consumer trends and to understand better our customers; and/or

x.        prospective or actual purchasers, sellers or partners and their advisers if we decide to sell, buy, merge or otherwise re-organize our business.


4.       Data Retention Period- The period we keep information varies according to what the information is used for. In some cases, there are legal requirements to keep data for a minimum period. Unless there is a specific legal requirement for us to keep the information, we will retain it for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or for which it is to be further processed.


5.       Security and protection of your personal information- GTT uses physical, technical and administrative safeguards to protect your personal and account information. In doing so, we will review the procedures in place to protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, accidental loss and/or destruction. Sometimes we use other organizations to process your personal information on our behalf. However, we cannot guarantee that these practices will prevent every unauthorized attempt to access, use and/or disclosure. In the event that GTT undertakes an external party to process your information on our behalf, they shall be bound to comply with the appropriate security measures.


6.       Location Services- GTT may use your location information in order to deliver services to you. Location information (such as your Cell ID) may be relayed to us and some of our partners when your phone is turned on or when you use our services. This information may also be shared with the emergency services so that when you make an emergency call, the emergency services are able to respond more quickly to the call.



Please note that cell ID location information cannot generally be used to pinpoint exactly where you are. For example, it cannot be used to determine which particular house or shop you are in at a given time. Instead, it offers an approximate location based on your position relative to the nearest mobile phone masts. The accuracy of this information depends on how close you are to a mobile phone mast and is likely to be more accurate in urban areas compared to rural areas. This location information may also be used to provide you with services that are linked to your location such as traffic reports and entertainment listings.

You may receive certain passive location services in circumstances where you have adjusted settings or activated certain features on your phone. For example, if your phone has 'Bluetooth' enabled, you may receive messages from third parties located nearby. If you do not wish to receive these services, we suggest you de-activate the relevant feature(s) on your phone or contact the third parties directly.


7.       Changes to our Privacy Policy- GTT reserves the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy at any time in light of any changes in our services and/or in response to any changes in the applicable legislations. Notice of any such change along with the revised policy will be posted on our website.


8.       Acknowledgment:


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