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Payment Agreement Request

Here is your convenient online application


Payment Terms

I hereby understand and agree that in order for me to retain my GT&T service and before the approval of my payment request by GT&T, I shall make a payment equivalent to one-third of the sum due and owing to GT&T by me. Once such payment is made and subsequently my payment request is approved by GT&T, I hereby agree to make payments in the amount stipulated by me hereof in addition to the current monthly charges for my GT&T service on or before the 10th day of each month. Moreover, I understand and agree that failure to make the previously mentioned payments to GT&T on the stipulated dates will result in my GT&T service being disconnected forthwith and without any notice to me, at which time the entire outstanding amount shall become due and payable by me to GT&T.

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       <meta name="description" content="Request a payment agreement with GTT for seamless bill management. Simplify your payment process and explore flexible options tailored to your financial needs. Take control of your payments with GTT's convenient agreement request service.">


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